About Aqua Consulting

Aqua Consulting AS works closely with the aquaculture industry and innovation projects creating positive synergies for you as a client. Madeleine Tychesen Aksdal brings extensive experience from the aquaculture and seafood industries, including international trade and expertise in sales, market development, recruitment, public tenders, and project management. Aqua Consulting takes on assignments across various fields, catering to both startups and established companies. Some of the ongoing projects include: Digitalization and market development of platforms, Collaboration with players working on sludge management in open and closed systems, Wireless underwater communication, Addressing H2S challenges, Prototype testing facilities, Asset management and system dynamics, Micro- and macroalgae projects, Seafood Trainee program, Assistance with trade show planning, Accel program for aquaculture entrepreneurs. The volume of assignments varies based on client needs, whether for short or long-term projects. By collaborating with established players in the industry and leveraging a broad network in aquaculture, we can build strong relationships for your company. 

Aqua Consulting AS focuses on structure and implementation, and has a business view in our processes. Madeleine benefits from her own experience in board positions, and can be a good resource for companies that have a desire to grow or develop. She has a Bachelor's degree in economics and administration from the Norwegian School of Management, and has a higher education in work and organizational psychology from the University of Bergen. In California, she also studied marine biology, psychology and mathematics. Both network, experience and professional background are used in our assignments.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you want to have a chat about our services

Madeleine Tychesen Aksdal


+47 975 09 959